Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tiger...Stop It!

Mr. Tiger Woods,
This letter is from a concerned Golf fanatic. I was introduced to this game 4 years ago and have been following it regularly since then. I have enjoyed many battles with my own friends as you have undoubtedly enjoyed whipping the butts of your fellow PGA tour professionals.

The excitement of a putt on the 18th hole to win or force a play-off and the uncertainty of the result is what makes me glued to the idiot-box for the utter dismay and amazement of my dear wife.

In the last few months you have reduced watching golf to watching paint dry! The result is as predictable and the event as boring. I mean honestly, if that was the level of excitement I wanted I would switch channels and watch the never ending saga of an afternoon I won't! But that's beside the point. The point being that even if you have to win. I mean if you really do have to win, at least make it more interesting for us Golf fans. Make it seems that the other guy has a chance on the 18th hole and then curve your 30 foot birdie putt to win or let them enter a playoff with you and then hit your approach shot in the 1st playoff hole to 1 foot.

Mr. Woods you owe us Golf fans at least the excitement, lest we switch to watching other sports. I don’t grudge you your wins. I ask that you don’t grudge us the experience of watching competitive Golf. The operative word being 'competitive'.

Tiger...Stop It!


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